Mines Oceanography flying into eye of storm to learn more about air-sea interactions

Mines Oceanography is part of $9M Office of Naval Research project to enhance predictive capabilities of extreme weather events.
The Study on Air-Sea Coupling with Waves, Turbulence, and Clouds at High Winds (SASCWATCH) is a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURI) sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) that aims at advancing our understanding of the physics governing air-sea fluxes at high winds. The SASCWATCH team will conduct three field campaigns during hurricane season, using state-of-the-art oceanographic and atmospheric instruments and airborne platforms to observe air-sea properties at the hurricane boundary layer as well as understant air-sea coupling during the onset and propagation of tropical storms. Our group is currently recruiting one PhD student and one postdoctoral researcher to work with the SASCWATCH team.
Check out this Mines Newsroom story about SASCWATCH!